Simbu and Nayanthara is currently acting in Pandiraj's untitled film. Now it is said that the on scree chemistry between them is simply superb and they also share a great rapport as friends. Apparently Simbu calls Nayanthara as 'Nayan' while Nayanthara calls Simbu as 'Sim', this in turn create big surprise for some who though that the duo having casual conversation even after the break-up.
Simbhu And Nayanthara are casual on Sets
Simbu and Nayanthara is currently acting in Pandiraj's untitled film. Now it is said that the on scree chemistry between them is simply superb and they also share a great rapport as friends. Apparently Simbu calls Nayanthara as 'Nayan' while Nayanthara calls Simbu as 'Sim', this in turn create big surprise for some who though that the duo having casual conversation even after the break-up.
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